
As Europe’s leading magazine publisher and commercial radio broadcaster we aim to inspire and positively influence behaviours through our content.

We inspire change

We acknowledge our business, like any other, has an environmental footprint and we are working with partners across our supply chain to minimise our impact through improved processes, more sustainable materials, and increased efficiencies.


All the paper we procure in Europe for our magazines is sustainably sourced. Our owned printing plants located in Poland, which supply 65% of magazines for our European markets, are certified with environmental management norms ISO 14001, FSC and PEFC.


We run all our German magazine publishing locations on 100% green electricity and our German headquarters in Hamburg has been certified with energy management standard ISO 50001 since 2015.


We strive to steadily reduce the amount of single-use plastics used in the distribution of our magazine subscriptions. By switching from poly-wraps to paper sleeves for our UK subscription magazines by the end of 2021, we will eliminate 37 tonnes of plastic waste per year. As of June, 42% of our subs already go out in paper sleeves. In Germany, 98% of our subscription magazines are shipped without an outer sleeve.


Since 2018, our Audio business in Finland has carried the WWF Green Office label, certifying its environmental management practices. In addition, Radio Nova is the first Finnish radio station to be run on solar power produced by its own photovoltaic panels.


Through our content we inform and inspire audiences on social and environmental sustainability. Danish podcast “The 2021 Eksperiment” and Slovak podcast “The Big Waste Talk” are examples of channels we use to share information and ideas with listeners seeking a more sustainable lifestyle.